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Heiniger Saphir Blade Lever Change

18th January 2023

Written by: Jessie Jaggers

Are you a Heiniger Clipper first-timer looking to find out how to properly change your blade lever? Or are you already a fan trying to refresh your memory because it's been a while since the last time you changed? Either way, in this article we want to help you find out how to change your Heiniger Saphir Blade Lever.

How to change the Blade Lever in a Heiniger Saphir?

In this article, we show you how to change the blade lever in a Heiniger Saphir for maintenance purposes.

Tools you’ll need

  • No.1 Phillip Screwdriver
  • Replacement Blade Lever

How to Remove Top Case?

First, take out six screws on the outside of the device. Then take out the battery. There is also a small screw down there. We would need to remove that, too.

How to Remove Hinge?

Afterward, remove the hinge screws with a no.1 Phillip Screwdriver you have.

You have to close the hinge for you to take it off the clipper.

How to Remove the case and the lever?

Once we’re done, we go ahead and take the top case off. Inside, you will see the blade lever attached to a metal lever that rotates for the blade lever to oscillate.

Remove the rubber piece attached on top of the lever’s “neck” to safely take the blade lever out using a flathead screwdriver.

Next, remove the foam and keep it in a place where you can see it because you’ll need to put it back since it keeps the hair out of the clipper.

How to Apply fresh grease on the lever?

Wipe off the old grease with a cloth before applying a fresh amount of grease to keep the lever nice and lubricated.

Put the foam on the new blade lever before you reattach it back in there.

Put the rubber piece you took out earlier back in there.

On the top case, there’s a part in there that has old grease on it. Wipe it off then apply a small amount of grease to keep everything lubricated.

How to Reassemble the clipper?

Reattach the top case to the lower case. Put the screws, batteries, and hinge back in from where you took them earlier.

And you’re good to go.

Blade Lever - Reasons Your Clipper Blades Aren't Cutting Properly

Heiniger Saphir Blade Lever

How can Sharp Edges help me?

If you're having trouble with your clipper blades and they're not cutting properly, head to our Clipper Repair Services page and fill out the form and we'll be more than happy to help you get back to what you do best in no time. 

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