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How to Prevent Your Clipper Blades Getting Rusty

Oiling your clipper blades will prevent them from getting rusty. But stopping there won’t make the best out of your clipper blades.

Grooming salons are typically humid because of the bathing area. So, choosing where you store your blades is crucial in keeping them in their best condition.

Video Walkthrough

How to Prevent Your Clipper Blades Getting Rusty - Walkthrough

In this article, we’ll explore three options to keep your clipper blades (or shears) rust-free and in tip-top shape.

Materials Needed:

  • Clipper Blades
  • Cardboard Box
  • Towel
  • H-42 Virucidal Clipper Spray
  • Silica Gel

Step 1: Use a Clipper Blade Cardboard Box to store your blades

The first option is using clipper blade cardboard boxes. They protect your clipper blades from the humidity in your environment that may oxidize the surface of your blades and build up rust. It’s important to store them in a dry place away from where you bathe your dogs.

Once the cardboard box softens, this is a sign for you to replace it with a fresh one that will last you months.

Step 2: Spraying a towel with H-42 before using it as a cover for your clipper blades inside a drawer

The second option is spraying the H-42 anti-bacterial virucidal solution with a towel before using it as a cover on your clipper blades and shears when you store them inside a drawer in case you don’t have a clipper blade cardboard box lying around.

Step 3: Using Silica Gel To Absorb Moisture From The Environment

The third and last option on this list is using silica gel packets for absorbing moisture from the environment to protect your clipper blades from rusting.

If you store your clipper blades in a secure container, just throw in a packet of silica gel in there. Usually found in pill bottles, shoe boxes, or any product that may get damaged by moisture. Or you can buy them from Amazon.

Always oil your blades to protect them from wear and keep them rust-free!

I hope this helps!


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